Detta konst- och utbildningsprojekt i form av ett dans/video laboratorium stödjer professionaliseringen av dans i Västra Balkan, genom att stimulera interkulturell och interdisciplinär dialog i samtliga länder från regionen och genom att uppmuntra framtida samarbeten mellan Sverige och Balkan.

Tio unga dansare och videokonstnärer från Bosnien, Makedonien, Serbien, Kosovo och Albanien, arbetade tillsammans med den svenska koreografen Anna Koch och videoskaparen Katarina Nitsch, i Belgrad 1-10 november 2009. De unga konstnärerna skapade egna dansvideos utifrån specifika publika/privata platser. Sex dansvideos producerades under laboratoriet och finns tillgängliga för visning. Laboratoriet organiserades i Belgrad i samarbete med Stanica/STATION Service for contemporary dance.

1 . I wanted to tell you something Nina Zeljkovic / Serbia Igor Koruga / Serbia
P-man Dejan Miholjcic / Bosnia and Herzegovina Aleksandar Georgiev / Macedonia
Position 6 Ivana Basic / Serbia Lejla Muhic / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Position 7 Ivana Basic / Serbia Lejla Muhic / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Waiting for a click Dragana Bulut / Serbia Visar Krusha / Kosovo
6. Impression x3
Dragana Zarevska / Macedonia Ljiljana Tasic / Serbia


Lokomotiva – the Center for New Initiatives in the Arts and Culture/Skopje, Stanica/STATION Service for contemporary dance/Belgrad, Tanzelarija/ Sarajevo, Multimedia Center/Pristina och International Festival of Modern & Contemporary Dance/Albanien.

Anna Koch är en svensk dansare/koreograf och är konstnärlig ledare för Weld, Stockholm. Under sin karriär har Anna arbetat i många olika internationella sammanhang. Hon återkommer ständigt till både teatern och konsten, men är även aktiv inom elektronisk musik. Som dansare har Anna arbetat med koreografer och konstnärer som Efva Lilja, Xavier Le Roy, Michael Laub, Margareta √Ösberg, Lotta Melin och nu senast med Erika Latta/The Wax Factory. Anna samarbetar med den norske regissören Ole Anders Tandberg vilket har lett till koreografier för opera och teater på Kungliga Operan, Dramaten och Stadsteatern i Stockholm samt Nationalteatern i Oslo.

Katarina Nitsch, konstnär, född i Wisconsin, USA, av en ungersk mor och en tysk far. Utbildad vid Valand, Göteborg, Institute of Contemporary Art i Moskva och Kanazawa School of Art i Japan. Katarina arbetar med video, installationer och participatory art. Sedan 2005 arbetar hon även med teater och film. Med bas i Sverige reser, arbetar och undervisar Katarina kontinuerligt i andra länder.

Publika aktiviteter

[highlight] Presentation på Balkan Sex dansvideos¬† presenterades på den internationella dansfestivalen Kondenz i Belgrad 2009.

Debatt i Makedonien FAST FORWARD initierade  en debatt om hur samtida dans kan bidra till utvecklingen av kulturinstitutioner i Makedonien den 29 oktober. Debatten var en del av LocoMotion Festival i Skopje.

Presentation i Stockholm Dansvideos och projektet presenterades på Intercult i Stockholm i februari 2010. [/highlight] /

The Lab

Fast Forward is an art and capacity building project which supports the professionalizing of the dance field in Western Balkans, by stimulating the intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue in all countries from the region and by encouraging the further collaboration between Sweden, wide Scandinavia and the Balkans.

Ten young dance and video artists from Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania, worked together with the Swedish choreographer Anna Koch and video-maker Katarina Nitsch in Belgrade, during 1-10 November 2009, in order to achieve the means of becoming authors of their own dance videos. The laboratory was hosted in Belgrade by Stanica/STATION Service for contemporary dance.

1 . I wanted to tell you something Nina Zeljkovic / Serbia Igor Koruga / Serbia
P-man Dejan Miholjcic / Bosnia and Herzegovina Aleksandar Georgiev / Macedonia
Position 6 Ivana Basic / Serbia Lejla Muhic / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Position 7 Ivana Basic / Serbia Lejla Muhic / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Waiting for a click Dragana Bulut / Serbia Visar Krusha / Kosovo
6. Impression x3
Dragana Zarevska / Macedonia Ljiljana Tasic / Serbia

Discover new approaches

The aim is to discover new approaches to the question of choreography and the moving image in relation to a given space, as well as the relation between choreographers and video-makers, the space being the subject of the video to be made.


Lokomotiva – the Center for New Initiatives in the Arts and Culture/Skopje, Stanica/STATION Service for contemporary dance/Belgrad, Tanzelarija/ Sarajevo, Multimedia Center/Pristina och International Festival of Modern & Contemporary Dance/Albanien.

Anna Koch is a Swedish dancer/choreographer and artistic director at Weld/Stockholm. Throughout her career, Anna has worked in a variety of international contexts. She is a frequent participant in the worlds of art and the theatre but is also actively engaged in the field of electronic music. As a dancer, Anna has worked with artists such as Efva Lilja, Xavier Le Roy, Michael Laub, Margareta Åsberg, Lotta Melin and most recently with Erika Latta/the WaxFactory. Anna collaborates with Norwegian director Ole Anders Tandberg which has led to choreography for opera and theatre at the Royal opera house, the Royal dramatic theatre, the Citytheatre in Stockholm and the National theatre in Oslo.

Katarina Nitsch,visual artist, born in Wisconsin, USA, to a Hungarian mother and a German father. Educated at Valand School of Fine Arts, Gothenburg University, Sweden, Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow and Kanazawa School of Art, Japan. 1992–1998 Studies in Art history, History of Literature, Culture Anthropology, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Stockholm University and Uppsala University, Sweden. 1998–2000, painting classes. 2000–2005 Master of Fine Arts; Starts to work with video, installations and participatory art. Since 2005 she also makes works in the field of theatre and film. Resides in Sweden; however she continuously travels, works and teaches in other countries.

Public activities

Presentation on the Balkans The six dance videos were presented at the international dance festival Kondenz in Belgrade 2009.
Debate in Macedonia FAST FORWARD also initiated the debate on how contemporary dance can contribute to the development of the cultural institutions in Macedonia, on 29th October, as part of the LocoMotion Festival /Skopje.
Presentation in Stockholm The dance videos and the project was presented to a Stockholm audience at Intercult’s Annex in February 2010.