Rivers of Opportunities meeting in Prague will take place during United Islands festival between 19th and 21st June 2014. The main focus of the meeting will be on audience development with practical examples as of the festival that is expecting some 60 000 during three days.
The opening event of the meeting will take place of the former cargo railway station in Žižkov – the brownfield that is being trasferred to the cultural site throughout the whole year. United Islands festival has the cargo station as one of the clubs during the club night on the 19th June.
On Friday 20th the participants of the meeting will join the reSITE architectural conference that is partner event of United Islands. reSITE festival content for this year is Cities and Landscapes of the New Economy and will take place at newly constructed Forum Karlin. Debate will go through topics of the architecture, politics, finance and community participation with the world’s best experts in urban economy, design and development. The morning session of the conference will have two specific topics: Community Resilency – City for All and lecture of Eugene Asse the dean of Moscow School of Architecture.
The afternoon will be dedicated to meeting with local promoters of public events focusing on working with audience – Signal festival – the festival of light, Ondřej Kobza – promoter of special projects that are living up the city eg. pianos on the streets and Jaroslav Raušer who is specialising on projects connected with brownfield sites and music education of children.
Organiser: Ostrovy s.r.o.
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Website: www.unitedislands.cz
United Islands Festival program