ACCESS EUROPA is a new platform for the Swedish cultural sector aiming to increase its members’ activities in Europe. The platform, created by Intercult, is a forum for information, networking och exchange in the process of creating international projects. The platform provides its members the opportunity to be more active in the European context and the means to create successful projects through applications to EU:s programmes och other international funds.


Since the launch of ACCESS EUROPA in April 2012, there’s been a great interest from non-profit organisations, institutions and other cultural operators. The list of members is growing. The platform is open for all parts of the cultural sector, from performing arts including music, to museums, handicraft, cross-disciplinary initiatives and more. It will be developed through the input and yearly fee from its members.

Looking for partners based in Sweden?

Requests for new partners for European projects are passed on to the platform members. If you are looking for collaborators based in Sweden please contact project leader Iwona Preis on