- Are artists and intellectuals obliged to engage in society and politics today? Why?
- Are artists and intellectuals sufficiently part of the political discourse today? Should they be?
- Do arts thrive in democracy? And vice versa: do democracies thrive via the arts?
- Do artists and intellectuals necessarily need to consider their impact on society?
- Should artists live off their arts? How?
On April 27-28-29, for 72 hours (days and nights), everyone is invited to join, read, share thoughts and mix them with others. No need to commit for three days: people can drop by whenever they can, to contribute to this collective reflection on the “state of the art”.
Next week we will jam. What can you do now to take the best out of this?
By clicking here, you can add your email to be sent an invitation to Jam the moment in which we will open, on Wednesday 27 at 9.00 am CET
We want to hear the voices of many people as possible, including those coming from your circles, networks, communities.
To help Jamm’Art to reach out, you can:
– share the news through your channels and with your friends
– use one minute of your time to join our Thunderclap campaign (scroll down to read what a Thunderclap campaign is)
Have you thought about using Jamm’Art as an opportunity to organise a dinner with friends, a lunch with your colleagues, or an informal debate in the afternoon? You can then bring online the main elements of your conversation and/or continue it there with your (expanded) circles of friends.
Any questions?
Thinking about technicalities, outcomes, more opportunities? Visit this page and, to directly connect with us prior to the Jam Session, write to projects@cultureactioneurope.org.
Looking forward to jammin’ together.