Europa Direkt Intercult bjuder in till ett kostnadsfritt seminarium om Audience Development 9 november i samarbete med Baltic Sea Region Strategy (EUSBSR) Policy Area Culture (PA Culture) och Europa Direkt Intercult.
Annual EUSBSR Forum
PA Culture and EDI will be present at this year’s annual EUSBSR Forum in Stockholm, November 8th and 9th. This year’s general topic of the forum is “One Region, One Future”. In order to continue the work and spread the expertise, PA Culture will have an own part on the forum program with a session on Cultural Diversity How do Cultural and Creative Sectors encourage cooperation, inovation and inclusion in a culturally diverse Baltic Sea Region.
Today’s Baltic Sea Region is a pool of a fantastic diversity of people with different cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The ten states on the shore of the Sea contribute significantly to the diversity, however the states’ societal composition opens up an even larger diversity. This provides great potential for cross-cultural and cross-sectorial cooperation that needs to be promoted and activated, also in order to facilitate integration processes more easily. PA Culture and EDI invited the cultural ministers Alice Bah Kuhnke (Sweden) and Anke Spoorendonk (Schleswig-Holstein), the Deputy Director of the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Bernd Hemingway, the director of the research institution European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Tove Malloy and two cultural projects to join for that discussion. Moderator will be Europa Direct Intercult’s Chris Torch.
PA Culture & Europe Direct Intercult seminar the 9th November
Onsdagen den 9 november arrangerar EDI/Intercult tillsammans med PA Culture ett seminarium med sikte på att utveckla samarbeten mellan kulturorganisationer i regionen, med programchefen för EDI/Intercult Chris Torch som Key-note speaker.
Seminariet är en del av Intercults nyligen uppstartade projekt Baltic Audience Links, finansierat av Svenska Institutet/ Baltic Sea Unit.
Intercult kommer genom projektet erbjuda intresserade kulturorganisationer i Sverige och Östersjöregionen en plattform för möten med kulturaktörer som redan har aktiva, regionala kultursamarbeten. Grundtema för våra möten blir Publikutveckling och verktyg för kulturens lokala samhällsengagemang.
Våra partners i Access Europa och i plattformen River //Cities är speciellt välkomna att anmäla sig till seminariet!
Invitation to seminar 9th November
The 4th Strategic Project Development Workshop is a cooperation between PA Culture, EDI/Intercult, and it´s recent project Baltic Audience Links.
The workshop will be hosted by the Goethe-Institute in Stockholm. During the workshop we will focus on Audience Development, trying to figure out who possible audiences of international cultural and creative projects are. This process will take place in a group consisting of the PA Culture Flagships and external projects invited both by PA Culture and EDI/ Intercult. The seminar includes also a hands-on work- shop on audience development tools, led by a Polish expert Agata Etmanowicz from Impact Foundation.
Among the speakers at the seminar 9th November will be representatives for Baltic Audience Links partners and River//Cities.
From Laimikis: Associated Professor in Urban Studies at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Jekatarina Lavrinec. Jekatarina is also director of the Laimikis foundation in Lithuania, which is an interdisciplinary platform for urban research, community art and co-design (social design) initiatives, non-formal learning and activism. Laimikis team treats public spaces as an open field for playful and creative interaction (sharing and co-acting) and applies arts-based and participatory action research approaches.
From River//Cities: Magdalena Zakrzewska-Duda, Head of International Relations Department at The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk
Begränsat antal platser
Seminariet är kostnadsfritt /The workshop is free of charge
Seminar 9th November- Anmäl dig här
Plats: Goethe Institutet Bryggargatan 12 A, 111 21 Stockholm
Tid: 12:00-17:00 Seminar at Goethe Institute
18:30- 22:00 Reception at Intercult
Seminariet hålls på engelska.
Mer information och hela programmet här: ic-invitation-pa-culture-stockholm-2
Hitta till oss: venues
More information about Baltic Audience Links
The project Baltic Audience Links have a specific goal in reaching the civil society with the tool of projects and artistic interventions on micro levels which aim at bringing the society together by participatory approach. A theme we partners of Baltic Audience Links find worth investigating more than it has been done in previous projects within Baltic Sea Region. We would like to take a closer look at local audiences on many levels ranging from people living in modern neighbourhoods to those living in neglected ones, from young generations to senior citizens, from city dwellers to villagers.
The project aims at connecting cultural actors around the Baltic Sea, strengthening the civil society and its organisations as well as developing and building, through culture, the Baltic Sea Region society’s identity, both at local and regional levels. The idea is to connect a network of organisations, institutions and experts working with local development, culture, and social innovation to look strategically at the audiences they connect with on everyday basis. The aim is to contribute to complex common regional Baltic Sea cultural identity but also, on a macro level, to European identity. We want to bridge the Baltic Sea Region with European Union through joining efforts of two existing networks and one European project. We want to create a new constellation of actors within BSR and strengthen cooperation with BSR. The specific aim of this project is to widen and strengthen the existing networks: River//Cities and Access Europa, giving them a clear Baltic dimension.
A warm Thank You to Baltic Audience Links co-funder Baltic Sea Department at Swedish Institute; and to our partners Laimikis and River//Cities!
Mer om Impact Foundation
Europa Direkt Intercult welcomes you to participate in a seminar about Audience Development November 9:th in co-operation with Baltic Sea Region Strategy (EUSBSR) Policy Area Culture (PA Culture) and Europa Direkt Intercult. The seminar is free of charge.
Annual EUSBSR Forum
PA culture we’ll be present at this year’s annual EUSBSR Forum in Stockholm, November 8th and 9th. This year’s general topic of the forum is “One Region, One Future”. In order to continue the work and spread the expertise, PA Culture will have an own part on the forum program with a session on Cultural Diversity How do Cultural and Creative Sectors encourage cooperation, inovation and inclusion in a culturally diverse Baltic Sea Region.
Today’s Baltic Sea Region is a pool of a fantastic diversity of people with different cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The ten states on the shore of the Sea contribute significantly to the diversity, however the states’ societal composition opens up an even larger diversity. This provides great potential for cross-cultural and cross-sectorial cooperation that needs to be promoted and activated, also in order to facilitate integration processes more easily. PA Culture invited the cultural ministers Alice Bah Kuhnke (Sweden) and Anke Spoorendonk (Schleswig-Holstein), the Deputy Director of the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Bernd Hemingway, the director of the research institution European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Tove Malloy and two cultural projects to join for that discussion. If you want to participate, please register here.
PA Culture & Intercult seminar the 9th November
On Wednesday November 9 Intercult organize in co-operation with PA Culture a seminar/workshop with the purpose to to develop co-operations between Cultural organizations in the region, with Senior Advicer and Program Director Chris Torch as Key-note speaker.
The seminar is a part of Intercults new project Baltic Audience Links, financed by Swedish Institute/Baltid Sea Unit.
Intercult will through the project offer a platform for interested cultural organization, Culture workers and Cultural institutions in Sweden and in the Baltic Sea Region. The platform will arrange meetings with Cultural institutions and organizations that already have active, regional projects and collaborations. The main theme for those meetings will be Audience Development and creating tool for increasing the local interest and engagement through culture.
Intercult especially invites member organizations from the Swedish platform Access Europa and the European platform River//Cities.
Invitation to seminar 9th November
The 4th Strategic Project Development Workshop is a cooperation between PA Culture, Intercult, and it´s recent project Baltic Audience Links.
The workshop will be hosted by the Goethe-Institute in Stockholm. During the workshop we will focus on Audience Development, trying to figure out who possible audiences of international cultural and creative projects are. This process will take place in a group consisting of the PA Culture Flagships and external projects invited both by PA Culture and Intercult. The seminar includes also a hands-on work- shop on audience development tools, led by a Polish expert Agata Etmanowicz from Impact Foundation.
Among the speakers at the seminar 9th November will be representatives for Baltic Audience Links partners and River//Cities.
From Laimikis: Associated Professor in Urban Studies at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Jekatarina Lavrinec. Jekatarina is also director of the Laimikis foundation in Lithuania, which is an interdisciplinary platform for urban research, community art and co-design (social design) initiatives, non-formal learning and activism. Laimikis team treats public spaces as an open field for playful and creative interaction (sharing and co-acting) and applies arts-based and participatory action research approaches.
From River//Cities: Magdalena Zakrzewska-Duda, Head of International Relations Department at The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk
Limited number of seats
The seminar is free of charge
Seminar 9th November Register here
Location: Goethe Institutet Bryggargatan 12 A, 111 21 Stockholm
Time: 12:00-17:00 Seminar at Goethe Institute
18:30- 22:00 Reception at Intercult
The seminar is conducted in English.
More information and full program here: ic-invitation-pa-culture-stockholm-2
Find the venues: venues
More information about Baltic Audience Links
The project Baltic Audience Links have a specific goal in reaching the civil society with the tool of projects and artistic interventions on micro levels which aim at bringing the society together by participatory approach. A theme we partners of Baltic Audience Links find worth investigating more than it has been done in previous projects within Baltic Sea Region. We would like to take a closer look at local audiences on many levels ranging from people living in modern neighbourhoods to those living in neglected ones, from young generations to senior citizens, from city dwellers to villagers.
The project aims at connecting cultural actors around the Baltic Sea, strengthening the civil society and its organisations as well as developing and building, through culture, the Baltic Sea Region society’s identity, both at local and regional levels. The idea is to connect a network of organisations, institutions and experts working with local development, culture, and social innovation to look strategically at the audiences they connect with on everyday basis. The aim is to contribute to complex common regional Baltic Sea cultural identity but also, on a macro level, to European identity. We want to bridge the Baltic Sea Region with European Union through joining efforts of two existing networks and one European project. We want to create a new constellation of actors within BSR and strengthen cooperation with BSR. The specific aim of this project is to widen and strengthen the existing networks: River//Cities and Access Europa, giving them a clear Baltic dimension.
A warm Thank You to Baltic Audience Links co-funder Baltic Sea Department at Swedish Institute; and to our partners Laimikis and River//Cities!
More information about Impact Foundation