Nordic Lab report
The third day of the conference Re:Imagining Cultural Space 17-19 November at Orionteatern took the form of a Nordic Lab, focusing on the specific conditions of the Nordic and Baltic regions and what the cultural sector sees as crucial issues.
Five themes were moderated by a chosen host. As guests participants from innovative initiatives and institutions in Nordic and Baltic countries were invited. Each participant could choose two lab themes, one for the morning and another for the afternoon.
Invited participants came from Subtopia, WISP,Rörelsen, Rumänska Kulturinstitutet (Stockholm), Taastrup Teater (Copenhagen), Moriska Paviljongen (Malmö), Kulturhuset (Aarhus), Helsingör Teater, Nordic Black Theater (Oslo), LumparLab (Åland), Blaue Frau/SubFrau (Helsinki), MUU Gallery (Helsinki), Culturelab (Riga),NOASS (Riga), BADco. (Zagreb), Kultura Miejeska (Gdansk), aktör&vänner (Göteborg),Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühendus/STÜ (Tallinn), MADE/NOrrlandsoperna (Umeå), Teatermaskinen (Västmanland), Himlabacken (Österlen), Dansbyrån (Göteborg),Teatercentrum, Till medborgarnas glädje, Orionteatern (Stockholm).
Nordic Lab report (PDF)