On 8 December 250 representatives from the whole Swedish culture sector gathered at Stockholms Kulturhuset City Theatre to discuss the right to culture regardless of identity and background – to broaden the influence within the culture sector. 20 speakers from performing arts, museums, media, etc presented their experiences, best cases and new ideas.
The challenge is well known! The culture sectors in Sweden and Europe does not reflect the diversity in our society. Despite years of discussions, reports and efforts the culture sector is still not able to engage and include people with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
If our cultural institutions are to realise their assignment to be open to everyone, then we need to take on this challenge and change and broaden the influence on all aspects of the institutions.
Sweden has a great number of publicly funded culture institutions that work with the assignment to offer culture for all. Culture is a basis for democracy. How can we keep the legitimacy in these investments if we can not deliver the assignment, if everyone is not included and engaged in our practice. This are future challenges for all culture institutions in Europe.
A conference arranged by Intercult, Europa Direkt Intercult, Region Västerbotten and Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.