SMartSe just got back from Berlin and a meeting with SMart from Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Austria. We are now looking for creative projects with participants and activities in these countries that want to be relieved of their paperwork. Intercults daughter organisation SMartSe is a shared production house for creatives and a part of a European network of SMart organisations – SMartEu (
We want artists to be able to create projects and collaborate without being burdened by paperwork and insecurities on their status in relation to social security, the tax agency etc. Swedish based freelancers can invoice, manage expenses, salaries and fees for themselves or a group using SMart tools and advice. Internationally active artists already use SMartSe. Now we want to fine tune our services for international collaborations together with new users. In return we offer time and dedication to your specific project. To participate contact our operational manager Vanessa Ware with a short description of you project and needs.
Read more about SMartSe