Europa Direkt Intercult åker till Bonn för att delta i Europe Direct Information Centres Annual General Meeting 13-15 oktober 2014.
Nätverket med ED-kontor drivs av EU-kommissionen tillsammans med Europaparlamentets informationskontor, lokala och regionala partners. Under perioden 2013-2017 finns närmare 500 informationskontor runtom i EU och i Sverige finns de på ett 20-tal platser.
Alla europeiska kontor träffas i Bonn den 13-15 oktober för att planera verksamheten för 2015 under parollen ”Listen, Advise, Engage”. Konferensens värd är den Regionala Representationen Europeiska Kommissionen i Bonn.
Huvudsessionen handlar framför allt om utmaningar för den europeiska integrationen.
Dessutom erbjuds de 500 deltagarna 6 olika seminarier arrangerade av europeiska direktorat, bland annat:
1. Directorate-General for Budget (BUDG) on EU budget – a funding opportunity for every European
2. Committee of the Regions (CoR): Europe in my Region
3. Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)
The EU Aid Volunteers initiative – new opportunities for citizens
4. Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid
The European Year for Development 2015: Our world, our dignity, our future
5. Directorate-General for Education and Culture (EAC)
Erasmus+, New EU programme for education, training, youth and sport 2014-2020. / Iwona Preis, River//Cities board member from Intercult, Sweden joined a Europe Direct Information Centres Annual General Meeting, 13-15 October 2014 in Bonn, Germany. The meeting gathered more than 500 participants from all over Europe.
There were both presentations and discussions about the future of EU lead by the newly appointed European Commission, such as: Prospects for European integration – strategic challenges for the new EU leadership. What have we learnt from the European elections and where do we go from here. How to make the most of cooperation between actors at local level.
Participants also joined an inspiring World Café Session “Experiences and observations from local level – food for thought for EU decision-makers” and several Information Exchange Sessions, which were workshops run by the Directorates-General of the European Commission and other EU institutions, offered as an opportunity for EDICs to get to know more about the EU institutions, EU policies and other networks’ activities and communication tools.