Dear members,

As promised before Christmas, we now come back to you concerning the actions we propose to take in the framework of the European elections 2014.

1. Disseminate, translate and adapt Culture Action Europe’s Manifesto on the European Elections
CAE’s manifesto has now been finalised, taking into account the comments received. 23 January it was sent to European political parties, European political groups and all MEPs. Please publish it on your websites and social media and help us to disseminate it to national political parties and ideally to candidates in your country. If you wish you can add demands focusing on your national situation. In that case, please coordinate with other CAE members in your country.  We also encourage you to translate the manifesto in your language and share it with us. In order to preserve the coherence of the manifesto, we kindly ask you to be as faithful to the original version of the text as possible and not modify the meaning of it. To facilitate translation, please find a Word version of the manifesto here.

2. Mapping candidates at national level
In order to build a database of relevant MEP candidates, it is important that you provide us with a list of candidates in your country that would be potentially interesting to follow or to contact, using this Excel form.

Also, we are aware of several initiatives promoted by civil society groups that are engaging with the elections by presenting candidates or building coalitions. If you know of political and/or citizens’ movements that could be interesting to get in touch with, please share their contacts with us and give us your opinion!

3. Organising events/meetings/debates at national level
We strongly invite you to organise meetings or public debates with selected candidates at local level in order to provide space for discussion, present our demands to candidates and raise awareness around the European elections among our audiences and constituencies. If you’re already planning to organise such an event, please contact us so that we can give visibility to your event and, if you wish, see whether a CAE board member could participate.

4. Make use of the (revised version of the) toolkit!
In addition, please do not hesitate to make use of and further disseminate the toolkit. Please use this revised version of the toolkit on the European elections, which includes the final and public version of the manifesto.

We will also be happy to provide you with the secretariat’s support in implementing your actions. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on

Warm regards,

The CAE team

Culture Action Europe is funded with support from the European Commission and the European Cultural Foundation. This communication reflects the views of Culture Action Europe and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.