Efter att the Committee on Culture and Education antog rapporten den 21 december 2015 har nu det Europeiska parlamentet godkänt rapporten. Julie Wards rapport Report on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values förespråkar att EU ska uppmuntra och etablera vägar till kulturellt utbyte och interkulturell dialog. Läs mer


After the adoption by the Committee on Culture and Education on the 21st of December 2015, it is the European Parliament as a whole which yesterday passed by a large majority (+554, -147, ¤12) the Report on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values (Rapporteur: Julie Ward, Socialists & Democrats, UK).

The report argues for the European Union to establish the exchange of good practices and promote a new structured dialogue in intercultural and interfaith. It encourages stakeholders to systematize definitions, methods and criteria, while advocating for intercultural and interfaith to be brought to educational, cultural and audio visual fields, as well as integrated in a transversal way to all EU policy areas that impact on shared EU values and rights. Further, the report calls for renewed attention to be paid to the promotion of solidary-based and intercultural society. Read more