Lördagen den 16 februari, klockan 14.00, på Kulturhuset i Stockholm, deltar Intercults Ida Burén i: ‘Size Matters!’ – On the values of small visual arts institutions. Presentationen är en del av seminariedagarna SUPERMARKET 2013 – Stockholm Independent Art Fair.
Sarah Thelwall, som har skrivit tidningen “Size Matters”, kommer att presentera de mest betydande små bildkonstorganisationerna i London och berätta om projekt, investeringar och utmaningar de står inför. “Size Matters” arbetar för ett erkännande och främjande av den småskaliga samtida bildkonstsektorn i den engelska huvudstaden.
Efter det följer en paneldiskussion med yrkesverksamma från den svenska kultursektorn: Sarah Thelwall (Common Practice), Ida Burén (Intercult), Helena Selder (Marabouparken).
Moderator är David Karlsson (idéhistorikern och författare).
Diskussionen presenteras i samarbete med Riksutställningar / Svenska Mässan Agency.
TALKS startade 2007 som en förutsättningslös plats för samtal, presentationer, framföranden och debatt kring samtida konst. TALKS har under åren utvecklats till en 3-dagars seminarium om frågor som rör bildkonsten i allmänhet. Teman har varit är: “Art of the Future” (2009), “Documentation / non-documentation” (2010), “The Absent Hub” (2011), och “The waiting room of Eternity” (2012).
Årets Supermarket TALKS omfattar föreläsningar, seminarier, debatter och filmvisningar om begreppet lycka.
Läs mer: www.supermarketartfair.com/content/supermarket-talks-programme-2013 / Saturday, February 16, at 2 PM, at the Culture House in Stockholm, participating Intercults Ida Burén in: ‘Size Matters!’ – On the values of small visual arts institution. The presentation is part of the seminar SUPERMARKET 2013 – Stockholm Independent Art Fair.
An implicit understanding of the role and value of small organisations has long existed among arts professionals, in the cultural sector as well as in society as a whole, yet it remains at odds with the metrics of government and many funders, whose measures for audience and income development serve to de-emphasise the potential of these organisations.
Sarah Thelwall, who has written the paper ‘Size Matters’, will present the significant potential small visual arts organisations have in the present cultural landscape and economy, also detailing the operational and investment challenges they face in realising this, followed by a panel discussion with professionals from the Swedish cultural sector:
Sarah Thelwall (Common Practice), Ida Burén (Intercult), Helena Selder (Marabouparken).
Moderator is David Karlsson (Historian of ideas and writer).
Presented in cooperation with Riksutställningar/ Swedish Exhibition Agency.
‘Size Matters’ was commissioned by the advocacy group Common Practice working for the recognition and fostering of the small-scale contemporary visual arts sector in London.
TALKS started in 2007 as an unbiassed place for talks, presentations, performances and debate on contemporary art. TALKS has over the years developed into a 3-day seminar on issues relating to visual arts in general. The themes have been ‘Art of the Future’ (2009), ‘Documentation/Non-documentation’ (2010), ‘The Absent Hub’ (2011), and ‘The waiting room of Eternity’ (2012).
This year’s Supermarket TALKS includes lectures, seminars, debates and screenings concerning the concept of Happiness. Through a media, social, economic, political, appraisal and futuristic prospect TALKS will take us to what perhaps is our ultimate goal – a happy ending?
More info: www.supermarketartfair.com/content/supermarket-talks-programme-2013