Urban – adjective: In, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town : the urban population.
Wasteland – noun: An unused area of land that has become barren or overgrown. A bleak, unattractive, and unused or neglected urban or industrial area’
(Oxford Dictionary, 2007)
If you feel the above definitions applies to a space you know of or if you have any other information concerning wastelands in Stockholm (images, maps, press, literature, stories etc) please get in touch.
Alternatively if you have the time and would like to show us a space in Stockholm we are available to walk and explore the city with you between the 3rd – 9th of October.
Email us at wastelandtwinning@googlemail.com
Or post a comment on this Facebook-event
In October 2011 the initiators of Wasteland Twinning Will Foster, Matthias Einhoff and Lars Hayer take part in the Basecamp Stockholm residency at Intercult.