För några år sen, inleddes en ny form av samarbete mellan EUs medlemsländer inom kultursektorn. Det kallas för Open Method of Coordination (OMC). Representanter för regeringar, oftast knutna till kulturministerier, utbyter åsikter och erfarenheter med varandra under en längre tid, för att nå fram till informella överenskommelser.
Under 2012-2013 har en OMC grupp skapats kring temat Mångfald och Tillgänglighet. Ca 20 medlemsländer har anslutit sig, med målet att presentera en serie av rekommendationer under hösten 2013.
Intercults Chris Torch har utsetts till expert för gruppen och kommer att följa och bidra till arbetet under året. Han har tillsatts av DG Education & Culture tillsammans med The European Expert Network for Culture.
Läs här hans första “reflection paper” till gruppen: CTorch – Cultural Diversity & Intercultural Dialogue OMC Reflection Paper (pdf) / Chris Torch has got a position as an expert in Europe
A few years ago, a new form of cooperation between EU Member States in the cultural sector opened. It’s called the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). Representatives of governments, often linked to cultural ministries, exchange views and experiences with each other for a long time, to reach informal agreements.
During 2012-2013 an OMC group was created around the theme of Diversity and Accessibility. About 20 members have joined, with the goal of presenting a series of recommendations in autumn 2013.
Intercults Chris Torch has been appointed the expert group and will follow and contribute to the work during the year. He has been appointed by the DG Education & Culture together with The European Expert Network for Culture.
Read his first “reflection paper” to the group here: CTorch – Cultural Diversity & Intercultural Dialogue OMC Reflection Paper (pdf)