24 09, 2013

The learning partnership

2013-09-24T11:12:26+00:00September 24th, 2013|

Culture For Waterfronts is a learning partnership that brings together seven European organisations from culture, politics and governance, who develop a pool of expertise and best cases on the use of culture in urban waterfront development.

24 09, 2013


2013-09-24T11:08:38+00:00September 24th, 2013|

Seven expert and practitioner meetings will develop a pool of expertise around a number of case studies and recommendations on the role of culture in the development of urban waterfronts, to be shared in a publication at the end of the project.

24 09, 2013

Södermalms Meborgardialog – Vilket Europa vill du leva i?

2013-09-24T10:09:51+00:00September 24th, 2013|

Den 15 oktober lämnar vi över medborgarlådan till EU-minister Birgitta Ohlsson och EU:s vice ordförande Viviane Reding. Frågor och kommentarer har lagts på lådan när den har turnerat Södermalm i Stockholm.

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