Seminarier och resor mellan tre städer/länder den 16-25 september 2016. Projektet fokuserar på diskriminering via seminarier i de tre städerna Berlin, Warszawa och Lviv. Främst för medborgare i de berörda länderna: Tyskland, Polen och Ukraina. Dela gärna vidare!!

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Citizens of Europe e. V. in cooperation with the Polish Schuman Foundation, European Academy Berlin, Cluster from Lviv warmly invite you to apply and participate in our seminar: MOVING BORDERS III. The project will focus on the concept of discrimination, by way of a train journey from Berlin, via Warsaw, to Lviv, with seminars in each city.

The dates for the project are 16-25 September 2016. Take a look at the attached call, and if you’d like to take part then send a one-page CV, as well as creative short movie message on moving borders in your own life, to Valentyna Zalevska by July 31st.

Citizens of Europe is only recruiting residents of Germany. If you are from Poland, please contact Marek Peda ( from the Polish Schuman Foundation (; if you are from Ukraine, please contact Tetiana Popovych ( from the Cluster organization (