Vika Ryskina från St. Petersburg har bjudits in av Intercult och Konsthall C mellan 22-30 oktober 2016 till ett residens inom projektet Young Curators Network. Projektet har hittills varit mycket lyckat och med varje utbyte ökar kunskapen och den konstnärliga utvecklingen.

I St. Petersburg arbetar Vika f.n. som kulturkoordinator vid New Holland , ett nyöppnat kulturcenter på ön New Holland mitt inne i St.Petersburg. Ön har sedan 1800-talet använts som bas för marinen i Ryssland ungefär som Skeppsholmen i Stockholm förr var militärt område. Sedan 2004 är New Holland inte längre militärt territorium och det beslutades att transformera ön till ett interkulturellt centrum. Under Vikas residens i Stockholm har hon hjälpt kurator Joanna Lombard att färdigställa utställningen Rummet är den tredje pedagogiken på Konsthall C, som öppnar fredag den 28 oktober.

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Vika Ryskina, Cultural Program Coordinator at New Holland and Intercult Young Curators Network Curator-in-Residence.

vika2_500pxIntercult Executive Director Iwona Preis, and Cultural Program Coordinator at New Holland, Vika Ryskina, brain storming on curatorial topics, and future cultural collaborations between Russia and Sweden.


Vika Ryskina has been hosted by Intercult and Konsthall C this week (Oct 22-30) on curatorial residency as a part of Young Curators Network, the very successful and interesting exchange program between Russian and Swedish curators – funded by Swedish Institute. The network is expanding by each new exchange; knowledge is growing and artistic progress is being made!

Vika is a Cultural Manager based in St. Petersburg. She is currently Cultural Program Coordinator at New Holland (, the newly established cultural center at the New Holland island in the city center of St. Petersburg. The New Holland island was formerly used as a naval base, established in the beginning of the 18th century – in the same way Stockholm ’museum island’ Skeppsholmen previously was used as a naval base. In 2004, the New Holland island was no longer under the control of the navy, and the decision was made to transform the former military island into a intercultural centre – funded by the well known ”Moscow Garage Abramovich’s”, and in 2006, a competition was held for the restoration of New Holland island and its buildings; the winning project was commissioned by CT Company who co-worked with the architectural bureau of Norman Foster to create a mixed-use complex, which would include theaters, conference halls, galleries, hotels and restaurants. Despite best intentions, this plan was never realized. In 2010, a new competition was held, and the restoration of New Holland was awarded to New Holland Development and the American firm WorkAC. The island finally opened for public in July 2011 – for the first time since the times of Peter the Great.

During her week in Stockholm Vika has been helping out co-curating the Joanna Lombard exhibition (Rummet är den tredje pedagogen) at Konsthall C, which is opening tonight! Intercult wishes Vika the best of luck in her future curatorial ventures, and we wish and hope that we can work together soon again.


Vika Ryskina, Cultural Program Coordinator at New Holland and Intercult Young Curators Network Curator-in-Residence.


Intercult Executive Director Iwona Preis, and Cultural Program Coordinator at New Holland, Vika Ryskina, brain storming on curatorial topics, and future cultural collaborations between Russia and Sweden.