5 02, 2014

Culture Action Europe’s call for action for the European elections

2014-02-05T11:41:37+00:00February 5th, 2014|

These are the actions Culture Action Europe propose to take in the framework of the European elections 2014: 1. Disseminate, translate and adapt Culture Action Europe’s Manifesto on the European Elections. CAE’s manifesto has now been finalised, taking into account the comments received. 23 January it was sent to European political parties, European political groups and all MEPs. Please publish it on your websites and social media and help us to disseminate it to national political parties and ideally to candidates in your country.

21 12, 2013

Seminarium om scenyrkesskola i Palestina, 30 januari

2013-12-21T10:59:15+00:00December 21st, 2013|

Var: Intercult, Sandbacksgatan 8, Stockholm När: 30 januari, kl. 15–17 Den 30 januari arrangerar Intercult tillsammans med sin palestinska partner Al-Harah Theater ett seminarium om PATC, Performing Arts Training Center, på västbanken – det första i sitt slag i Palestina. Seminariet gästas av Marina Barham, VD för Al-Harah Theater, initiativtagare och projektets eldsjäl. Hon kommer att berätta om sitt arbete som ledare för Al-Harah Theater och vägen till att etablera en scenyrkesskola i regionen.

14 12, 2013

CORNERS – Built to Contain-Showcase in Belfast

2013-12-14T11:57:18+00:00December 14th, 2013|

Persons convicted of various crimes tell tales of the untold – BUILT TO CONTAIN, a premiere radio play. First recorded on Friday the 13th of December, 2013, this piece was developed with international artists and is performed by convicted felons in Northern Ireland.

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