Missa inte årets konferens om kultur och publik, Arts and Audiences 7-8 november 2016, denna gång i Göteborg med Kultur i Väst som värd. Programmet är nu släppt, se hemsidan (länk nedan). Chris Torch från Intercult och Europa Direkt Intercult deltar som föreläsare. Intercult följer sedan upp temat med kulturens roll för demokratisk utveckling  och arbetet med att nå kulturovan publik i den stora konferensen Audience Links, en del av projektet CORNERS,  som arrangeras i Stockholm i februari 2017.

Arts and audiences
How can the arts get involved with the pressing need for social change? How do we engage audiences to contribute to a resilient transition into an upgraded world? And what, in practical terms, do we need to change to be successful?

Arts & Audiences is a Nordic cross-sector meeting point for cultural leaders, artists, artistic directors, curators, producers, learning managers, communication managers, cultural architects and strategists who want to find new ways to extend and expand audience engagement.

Läs mer på Arts and audiences hemsida


Don’t miss out on the conference Arts and audiences. In Gothenburg November 7-8 2016. The program is now available. Chris Torch forn Intercult and Europe Direct Intercult is one of the key note speakers. Intercult is following the theme of Arts and audiences by organizing a big conference, Audience Links, in Stockholm in February 20-24 2017, as a part of the international project CORNERS.

Arts and audiences
How can the arts get involved with the pressing need for social change? How do we engage audiences to contribute to a resilient transition into an upgraded world? And what, in practical terms, do we need to change to be successful?

Arts & Audiences is a Nordic cross-sector meeting point for cultural leaders, artists, artistic directors, curators, producers, learning managers, communication managers, cultural architects and strategists who want to find new ways to extend and expand audience engagement.

Read more at Arts and audiences website