1 06, 2012

Brandtal för Kreativa Europa av Chris Torch / Letter for Creative Europe by Chris Torch

2012-06-01T04:19:28+00:00June 1st, 2012|

Culture Action Europes kampanj we are more som stödjer Europa Kommissionens programförslag Kreativa Europa har tagit fram en kampanjaffisch. Alla insamlade signaturer för Kreativa Europa är listade och en kort version av ett brandtal av Chris Torch, riktat till våra beslutsfattare. Bli inspirerard – läs hela brandtalet. / Culture Action Europe's campaing we are more supports the European Commissions programme proposal Creative Europe. To further the advocacy work a poster and a letter has been produced. Read the full letter below, written by Chris Torch, senior associate at Intercult. The poster includes all collected signatures for the campaign, to date, and a short version of the letter.

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